9 months tomorrow..

My little guy can sit unsupported now.He can play by himself for sometime too. he weighs 11.6 kgs.He has atleast 5 teeth .I love when he picks his hands for me to carry him. When he plays with Anaya he claps sometimes.He can drink milk from his Sippy Cup which is great achievement for me.He is getting better at standing.

Time is flying and I want to keep enjoying my both kids .Thank you God for everything.

8.5 months now

He did his first clapping today.I was not able to record a video of the precious moment but felt very happy.Hope fully he will do it again soon.

Today we assembled his sit to stand walker so we will start standing and walking practice from tomorrow.

Today he drank 3 oz formula milk from his Sippy Cup. it’s a big achievement for me and I am so happy as about it.

Hopefully I will continue breastfeeding him for few more months but if I can’t then there is some hope to feed him formula milk through Sippy cup